First Edition of Kindogo Award for memorizing the Glorious Quran and its sciences 2025 AD /1446 AH under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Religious Affairs, worship and customs in Mali, and the supervision of Dr. Othman Saleh Traore from 5-8 February 2025 AD corresponding to 6-9 Shaaban 1446 AH


The city of Kenidogo was honoured with the launch of the activities of the Kenidugo National Prize in memorizing the Holy Quran and its sciences in its first edition 2025 AD / 1446 AH in the Mosque of Sanogola – Sikasu under the theme: Kennedugu lives ever with Qur’an under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Religious Affairs, worship and customs in Mali, Dr. Muhammad Omar Kony and supervision of virtueImam Dr. Othman Saleh Traore, President of the Association of Schools and Centers for Memorization of the Holy Quran in Mali and a member of the Information and Public Relations Committee at the Office of the Union of Africa Muslim Scholars on Wednesday 08/08/1446 AH corresponding to 05/05/2025 AD in the presence of a group of scholars, students of science, , centers and schools of Memorizing the Holy Quran throughout the Republic of Mali.
It is noteworthy that the event took place in the city of Sikaso region, south of Mali, and it is the capital of the Kingdom of Kindogo, which originated from southern Mali before the colonial period, and is 380 kilometers away from the capital of Mali.
This panel of the contest is comprised of Sheikh Dr. Ismail Dakouri as President and the membership of Imam Dr. Othman Saleh Touri Professor Hassan Koju. The preliminary contest of the Kenidogo National Prize in memorizing the Holy Quran and its sciences was between twenty -three contestants representing the regions and the capital, and the contest was concluded with an encouragement by the chairman of the esteemed Panel of Judges: Ismail Dakouri – may God protect him – Undersecretary of the University of Blessed in Mali and a member of the Union of Africa Scholars.
It should be noted that the Kindogo National Award was preceded by a local regional competition in which the number of participants reached 226 memorizers of the Qur’an.
The announcement ceremony for the results of the sixteenth regional competition for memorizing the Holy Quran and its sciences, and the results of the Kenidogo National Award for the Preservation of the Holy Quran and its sciences in its first edition 2025 AD / 1446 AH took place in the Lamisa Bengali Hall in Sikaso on Saturday 8 February 2025 AD corresponding to 9 Shaban 1446 AH.
The ceremony was attended by the authorities and heads of religious institutions such as:
– His Excellency the Minister of Religious Affairs, worship and customs in Mali, Dr. Muhammad Omar Kony
– The governor of Sikaso
*- Representative of the Dean of the Founding Family for the city of Sikaso*
*- Regional Director for Religious Affairs, worship and customs*
*- Head of the Regional Office of the Islamic Supreme Council*
*- A representative of the head of the regional office of the Association of Imams and Scholars for Islamic Solidarity in Mali*
*- Head of the Regional Office of the Association of Preachers in Mali*
*- And many members of the Union of African Scholars in the country of headquarters, preachers, imams and personalities, representatives of Islamic societies and bodies in the country, including:*
*- His Excellency the Secretary-General of the Union of Africa Scholars, Dr. Saeed Muhammad Baba Sila*
*- Sheikh Dr. Ibrahim Kantao, Director General of Al-Farouq Organization in Mali and Assistant Secretary for Financial Affairs*
*- Imam Dr. Othman Saleh Traore, head of the Federation of Schools and Centers for Memorizing the Holy Quran in Mali and member of the Information and Public Relations Committee at the Office of the Union of Africa Scholars**
*- A member of the local committee of the African Scholars Union in Mali and Deputy Secretary-General of the Association of Preachers in Mali, Sheikh Hood Bakari Kony,*
*- Sheikh Dr. Ismail Dakouri, a member of the local committee of the Union of African Scholars*
*- Professor Abu Bakr Idris Sila, a member of the local committee of the Union of African Scholars in Sikasu and the director of the University of Kindogo*
*- The preacher, Sheikh and Imam, Professor Abdullah Koueta*
And many members of the Union living in the headquarter’s country.
*One of the major activities witnessed in the grand finale of the Qur’an competition was the distribution of Ramadan basket food to 1100 families of widows, imams and preachers, starting with widows of the Tiba Traore camp soldiers.

Each unit of this food package consists of: 50 kg of geese+ 25 kg of sugar+ one carton of pasta+ 5 liters of oil.

Special thanks to Allah and appreciation goes to Imam Dr. Abu Saleh Othman Saleh Traore, the general supervisor of the award, who facilitated the food distribution.

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